By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 15 – Importance of Hope. Personal Development. Finding your Strength.

Thought #1 – Importance of Hope.

Hope gives you courage to dream big, look into the future, and “see” how things can get better. It also helps to reduce stress and anxiety and gives you the strength to focus on the positive aspects of life.

Hope can provide you with stability and security in times of uncertainty, especially when things are difficult and out of control.

Thought #2 – Personal Development

Decide today to commit to personal development. Set aside time to reflect on at least three areas of your life, that if you improved, would make you a better person. Take action to improve these areas and start your personal growth journey.

But remember, you won’t succeed if you do this alone. Get an accountability partner. Make sure this person is someone who has your best interest in mind and will encourage you through the process.


Thought #3 – Finding your Strengths

Discover your strengths, find your purpose.

Quote for the Week

Each of these strategies–get a little better at it, design a support system, use one of your strongest themes to overwhelm your weakness, find a partner, and just stop doing it–can help you as you strive to build your life around your strengths.

– Donald O. Clifton

An Article for You

Turning your Strengths into Superpowers.

Reflection Questions

  • What are your strengths?
  • Are you using your strengths to their fullest potential?
  • What is the one strength you rely on the most?
1 thought on “NL # 15 – Importance of Hope. Personal Development. Finding your Strength.

NL # 16 – Indestructible Hope. Do It. Pain. – Dr. Charlene Bolton January 11, 2023 at 6:12 am

[…] hope cannot be destroyed–unless you allow things or people to destroy it. Hold on to your hope, […]

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