By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 8 – Love and Acceptance. Fulfillment. Personal Growth.

Thought #1 – Love and Acceptance.

You can accomplish anything you want if you are surrounded by people who want the best for you and who love and accept you for who you are. Love and acceptance gives you fuel, pushes you forward and can give you the confidence to do the impossible. So, why not take the time today to thank the people in your life who support you through the ups and downs of life.

Thought #2 – Fulfillment.

Whether you believe in God or not, all of us have a yearning deep inside to believe in something or someone greater than us. If that yearning is not satisfied by the appropriate Source, life can be unfulfilling. Using friends, family, material things, retail therapy, drugs, alcohol, etc. to satisfy this yearning, can often prove unsuccessful.

I have found that true fulfillment comes when I understand and accept that Someone greater than me can give peace and comfort in difficult times and help me maneuver through life. I am a person of faith and have found that my belief in God, who loves you and me unconditionally, has brought fulfillment in my life. 

Your fulfillment may be found some place else so wherever you find it, my hope is that it is sustainable, it gives you peace and comfort, and it never makes you feel that you’re insignificant.

Thought #3 – Personal Growth

Growth is the only guarantee that your life will get better and better each day. But growth doesn’t just happen, you have to be intentional about it; you have to plan how you will grow. Growth isn’t easy, sometimes it can be painful, especially when you feel safe and cozy in your comfort zones. But the fact is, growth occurs outside of your comfort zone.

A seed that is planted doesn’t start growing without effort. First, it has to break through the outer portion of the seed, then it has to push through the dirt. And what results is something beautiful or useful.

It’s the same for you. You will feel uncomfortable during your growth process but what will result is a life of success (whatever that looks like for you) and a life of purpose.

So, do you have a personal growth plan? If not, develop one today and if you need help in putting one together, I can help.

Quote for the Week

If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.

-Maya Angelou

An Article for You

10 Reasons Personal Growth is Important No Matter What Age

Reflection Questions

  • Who are your biggest supporters?
  • When was the last time you told them “thank you”?
  • What is your personal growth plan?