By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 16 – Indestructible Hope. Do It. Pain.

Thought #1 – Indestructible Hope.

Your hope cannot be destroyed–unless you allow things or people to destroy it. Hold on to your hope, and do everything in your power to develop an indestructible hope; a hope that never waivers, not even in the face of challenges.

Thought #2 –    Do it.     

Go ahead, do “it”. 

You know what “it” is. 

It’s that thing you know you need to do. It’s that phone call you need to make to that friend who you haven’t spoken to in ages. It’s writing the first paragraph of the book you have always wanted to write. It’s starting that exercise routine or it’s taking that next step toward starting your own business. 

Yes, it can be challenging to do the things you need to do, but if you work on getting out of your head, and not focusing on the what ifs”, taking the first step will be easier than you imagined. 

Thought #3 – Pain

Anything worthwhile is birthed from pain.

Quote for the Week

Pain makes man think. Thought makes man wise. Wisdom makes life endurable.

-John Patrick

An Article for You

8 Science-Backed Ways to Increase Your Hope

Reflection Questions

  • What helps you keep your hope alive?
  • What is one thing you know you should do but haven’t done yet ?
  • What painful experience made you wiser?