By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 10 – Let It Go. De-Stress. Gratitude.

Thought #1 – Let It Go.

Do you have sleepless nights because you are worrying about things you can’t control? 

Well, you are not alone. We all toss and turn in bed at nights because of things that weigh heavily on our minds. But if you want peace, you must find a way to let it all go. You must find a way to redirect your focus from worrying about things you can’t control, to finding solutions for the things you CAN control.

Here is a strategy that may help. Take a blank sheet of paper and make two columns by drawing a line down the center of the paper. Label one column, “control”, and the other column, “can’t control”. Write down the situations you can control, in the “control” column, and the situations you can’t control, in the “can’t control” column. Once you’ve done that, put a line through each of the items in the “can’t control” column and make the decision to let them all go. After you have done that, dedicate your time to finding solutions for the things in the “control” column and work on the applying the solutions to resolve each of those situations.

Don’t be discouraged if you are not successful the first time you do this exercise.  It may take a few lists before you realize that there is no benefit in worrying about things you cannot control.  

Thought #2 – De-Stress.

Don’t ignore the stress you are experiencing or put it aside and suppress it. Admit that you are stressed, and actively find ways to manage it. For instance, start an exercise program with the approval of your healthcare provider–include things like walking, running, or a favorite sport or activity; do deep breathing exercises—they are some great apps for that; or find a close friend to talk with. Physically removing yourself from the stressful situation or taking some time off to get away by yourself for a while may also be beneficial. If you put some of these things in place, you may find your life a little less stressful.

Thought #3 – Gratitude.

A positive mindset motivates you to maintain an attitude of gratitude which can be expressed through kind, thoughtful, empathetic actions. When you express gratitude, it puts your life into perspective, and can help you appreciate every aspect of your life–the good and the bad.  

Quote for the Week

Find a need and fill it.

-Ruth Stafford Peale

An Article for You

The Science of Gratitude

Reflection Questions

  • What keeps you up at nights?
  • Is it something you can control? If not, why are you holding on to it?
  • What is the one thing you are most grateful for?