By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 44 – Perseverance. Handling Destructive Criticism. Peace.

Thought #1 – Perseverance. Keep moving no matter what obstacles you encounter. Walk around them, over them, behind them, through them and never let them stop you. This is what perseverance is all about. Thought #2 – Handling Destructive Criticism. Criticism that serves to harm, hurt, or ruin your reputation is destructive. This type of

By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 39 – Change The World. Finding Peace. Rid Yourself of Worry.

Thought #1 – Change The World. The best way to change the world is to change your “world”.  To do this, focus on things that are true, right, and pure. When you do, a change will happen within yourself, which will ultimately influence others around you for the better. Thought #2 – Finding Peace If you want to