By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 55 – Live in the Moment. Importance of Exercise. Consistency and Persistence.

Thought #1 -Live in the Moment. Live with purpose and passion, and be present in the moment. Ruminating about the past or the future will rob you of the precious moments right in front of you today.  Thought #2 – Importance of Exercise. You know this already; exercise will improve your physical and mental health.

By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 35 – It Doesn’t Take Much to Be Kind. Comfort. Be Wise.

Thought #1 – It Doesn’t Take Much to Be Kind. You probably have heard that it doesn’t take much to be kind, but that couldn’t be furthest from the truth. It takes a lot to be kind. You must look at things through the eyes of another person and not through your own eyes. Because

By - Dr. Charlene Bolton

NL # 34- Love. Live Intentionally. Communication.

Thought #1 – Love. Love is a gift. Love never takes advantage of you. Love always wants the best for you. Love never lies. Love always forgives. Thought #2 – Live Intentionally Don’t allow life to just happen to you. Dream! Plan! And then take action! That’s what it means to live intentionally. Thought #3 –